Developmental Profiles by Age

Explore the developmental milestones children undergo with us. These achievements, tailored to specific ages, are what many children learn, and our programs support your child in attaining them. Remember, every child is unique, progressing at their own pace and style—this is what makes them special. Discover more about our curriculum framework and your child's evolving skills by selecting their age group

  • Remember, these skills take time to develop, and each child progresses at their own pace.

    **Cognitive Development**

    - Imitates simple actions

    - Recognizes familiar vs. unfamiliar people, objects, or places

    - Uses senses to explore

    - Seeks responses from others

    **Creative Expression**

    - Expresses needs through movement

    - Responds to bright or contrasting colors

    - Explores different textures

    - Calmed by music

    - Makes noises with toy instruments

    **Executive Function**

    - Focuses on people and objects briefly

    - Finds objects in familiar places

    - Completes simple tasks with a goal

    - Tries different approaches to meet needs

    - Shows some impulse control

    **Language and Literacy**

    - Communicates using sounds and gestures

    - Responds to sounds and language rhythms

    - Expresses through babbling or first words

    - Shows interest in back-and-forth communication

    - Begins understanding language through listening and observing

    **Physical Development and Wellness**

    - Lifts and turns head

    - Rolls over

    - Crawls or scoots

    - Sits independently

    - Develops eye-hand coordination

    - Walks with support

    - Shows coordinated hand movements

    **Social and Emotional Development**

    - Recognizes familiar adults will meet basic needs

    - Engages in solitary play

    - Forms attachments to familiar adults

    - Interacts with other children

    - Manages emotions with adult support

  • Remember, these skills take time to develop, and each child progresses at their own pace.

    **Cognitive Development**

    - Engages in pretend play with objects

    - Imitates others' actions

    - Shows interest in verbal counting

    - Curiously explores new uses for familiar objects

    - Sorts and classifies objects with help

    **Creative Expression**

    - Attends to visual art displays

    - Expresses self through movement

    - Pretends to be someone else during play

    - Experiments with art tools to create artwork

    - Expresses self through music

    **Executive Function**

    - Focuses on people or tasks briefly

    - Persists in activities to meet goals, seeking help after several attempts

    - Shows some impulse control

    - Takes apart and reassembles simple objects

    - Uses simple strategies to accomplish tasks and solve problems

    **Language and Literacy**

    - Responds to and understands simple questions

    - Understands familiar words in their home language

    - Uses beginning words to express needs, wants, and interests

    - Explores books and imitates reading behaviors

    - Makes simple marks and scribbles on paper

    **Physical Development and Wellness**

    - Shows interest in snacks, mealtimes, and different foods

    - Gains competence in coordinating body movements

    - Displays increasing eye-hand coordination

    - Participates in familiar care routines

    - Runs with basic control and coordination

    **Social and Emotional Development**

    - Establishes and maintains relationships with preferred adults

    - Participates in individualized care routines with guidance

    - Forms and maintains relationships with some children

  • Remember, these skills take time to develop, and each child progresses at their own pace.

    **Cognitive Development**

    - Counts objects while saying numbers aloud

    - Matches and groups similar items

    - Shows awareness of time

    - Identifies number of objects in small sets

    - Copies simple patterns with help

    **Creative Expression**

    - Expresses feelings through movement

    - Uses objects and dress-up clothes in pretend play

    - Moves to different music types, like beats or tempos

    - Creates art with various materials

    - Repeats simple melodies and rhythms

    **Executive Function**

    - Controls impulses with guidance

    - Completes simple two-step tasks

    - Follows simple rules

    - Tries different strategies before seeking help

    - Responds appropriately to others' feelings

    **Language and Literacy**

    - Initiates and participates in conversations

    - Asks questions to understand and gain information

    - Identifies some letters in their name

    - Follows simple directions

    - Writes their name using scribbles or letter-like forms

    **Physical Development and Wellness**

    - Demonstrates balance in simple movements

    - Shows age-appropriate strength and stamina

    - Displays advancing eye-hand coordination

    - Demonstrates jumping skills

    - Improves throwing skills

    **Social and Emotional Development**

    - Follows routines and simple rules

    - Uses language to express needs and negotiate

    - Resolves conflicts with guidance

    - Seeks challenges confidently

    - Manages some emotions independently

  • Remember, these skills take time to develop, and each child progresses at their own pace.

    **Cognitive Development**

    - Arranges objects by size, length, or height

    - Describes similarities and differences

    - Engages in pretend play

    - Connects number words and numerals to quantities

    - Recognizes and creates patterns

    - Creates simple graphs and charts

    **Creative Expression**

    - Takes on roles and uses costumes in play

    - Draws lines and shapes

    - Moves creatively with awareness of others

    - Expresses through music

    - Moves to tempo or beat

    **Executive Function**

    - Plans simply

    - Follows multi-step rules

    - Focuses on tasks, ignoring some distractions

    - Persists in activities

    - Controls impulses briefly

    - Explores options before choosing

    **Language and Literacy**

    - Asks questions to show understanding

    - Predicts events in books

    - Shows interest in reading

    - Names shapes, objects, and colors

    - Recognizes some letters and numerals

    - Writes name with letter-like forms

    **Physical Development and Wellness**

    - Walks with balance and confidence

    - Jumps proficiently

    - Demonstrates balance

    - Controls hands and fingers

    - Shows throwing skills

    - Is independent in self-care routines

    - Understands healthy food choices

    **Social and Emotional Development**

    - Seeks interactions with familiar adults

    - Expresses preferences and opinions

    - Plays with many children, forming stronger bonds with some

    - Shares, takes turns, and respects others

    - Accepts similarities and differences

    - Uses words to resolve conflicts

    - Responds appropriately to others' feelings

  • Remember, these skills take time to develop, and each child progresses at their own pace.

    **Cognitive Development**

    - Separates fantasy from reality

    - Recognizes, extends, copies, and creates patterns

    - Describes similarities and differences

    - Sorts and classifies by multiple attributes

    - Uses ordinal numbers (1st to 10th)

    - Plans and conducts experiments

    **Creative Expression**

    - Uses props in play

    - Draws detailed lines and shapes

    - Moves to music

    - Repeats complex melodies and rhythms

    - Participates in group music activities

    - Moves creatively with others

    **Executive Function**

    - Plans multi-step tasks in groups

    - Follows complex rules independently

    - Focuses on tasks for long periods, refocusing if interrupted

    - Completes challenging activities independently

    - Shows flexible thinking and considers other views

    - Increases self-control and delays gratification

    **Language and Literacy**

    - Names shapes, objects, and colors

    - Recognizes letters and numbers out of sequence

    - Asks complex questions

    - Predicts from pictures and text

    - Recognizes common words

    - Writes name and many letters

    **Physical Development and Wellness**

    - Controls hands and fingers precisely

    - Runs proficiently

    - Balances during complex movements

    - Hops proficiently

    - Kicks proficiently

    - Independent in self-care

    - Chooses healthy foods with support

    **Social and Emotional Development**

    - Interacts with various adults

    - Accepts similarities and differences

    - Confident in abilities

    - Maintains close relationships with children

    - Follows routines and rules

    - Resolves conflicts with words

    - Shows empathy and understanding